30 September 2005

Cooking an Egg . . . with your Cell Phone

Don't know if this is true, but I bet a few of you will be trying it this weekend.

29 September 2005

Great Posters from Whitehouse.org!

Lazy "he said -- she said" media and the bastards at FOX "News" got you down? Check out this selection of posters.

28 September 2005

No sex tonight. . .

Another story exaggerating the differences between men and women. What was the right answer here?

Chris Rock Makes Me Laugh

Chris Rock on "How not to get your ass kicked by the police." It's good advice for all of us.

26 September 2005

Two Guys, a Zebra Suit and Lions

I don't know what else to say, just watch.

United We Stand

The "United We Stand" bumper stickers have begun to annoy me. "United We Stand" despite the evidence of lies? Despite the failed policies? This whole faith-based politics thing scares me. Just as proven physical evidence won't change a creationist's mind, fact and proven incompentence won't change the minds of the republican faithful. All we need now are a few good clerics and a bishop or three and we're back in the dark ages.

22 September 2005

Dubya's Math Skills

Donald Rumsfeld is giving the president his daily briefing.

He concludes by saying: "Yesterday, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed."

"OH NO!" the President exclaims. "That's terrible!"

His staff sits stunned at this display of emotion, nervously watching as the President sits, head in hands.

Finally, the President looks up and asks, "Now, how many is a brazillion?"

21 September 2005

Google knows Bush is a failure!

Go to Google.com and search for the term 'failure', or just click here. Google always gets it right.

More on this story.

Said in a recent meeting...

"I don't see how [name withheld] gets anything done with both hands so persistently and vigorously covering his ass."

Stupid Human Tricks #1

I bet you can't fit your head through that chair! Oh yeah?! Watch me do it!

20 September 2005

Bush is Invincible

I wish it weren't true. I wish it weren't true. I wish it weren't true. I wish it weren't true. I wish it weren't true. . . The current FEMA director busted for misuse of government funds to help "Widiots" re-election odds in Florida....

Mercedes Fish-Inspired Car

Mercedes used the boxfish as inspiration for a new prototype vechicle. The car boasts an astoundingly low drag coefficient and a 84MPG rating. Read more.

Nature inspired industrial design.

Words of Wisdom

"Believing...that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between Church and State."

-- Thomas Jefferson in a letter to Danbury Baptists, 1802.

You'll find a summary of Thomas Jefferson's thoughts on religious freedom via the University of Virginia's Jefferson Library.

18 September 2005

Biblical Law in the United States

The evangelical's continued attack on our judiciary, and the republican pandering to these anti-American idiots is why I'll never vote republican. Read Catherine Crier's recent article for details.

15 September 2005

Kanye West, President Bush and TShirt Hell

The recent TShirt Hell newsletter had this opening quote:

"Kanye West said that President Bush doesn't care about black people. I think this was an incredibly insensitive statement. It was especially hurtful to the hundreds of millions of other people the President doesn't care about."
-- TShirt Hell Newsletter 09/15/2005.

Made me laugh, thought you might too.

13 September 2005

Bush Suspends Wage Laws

That's right! President Bush has suspended the prevailing wage laws for those workers who's blood and sweat will ultimately rebuild the devastated areas in Louisiana and Alabama.

More than anything, this executive order shows the true colors of Mr. Bush and the Republican party. "There's profit opportunity in every disaster" seems to be their credo.
Instead of protecting the average citizen laborers and workers, Bush is protecting the giant corporations that will win the bids for the re-construction. The big corporations, their lobbyists and their shareholders will make out like bandits.
The actual workers of the south, who are trying to rebuild their lives and whose sweat and labor will rebuild the region are being told they don't matter. Mr. Bush is telling them: "We can't afford to pay you a fair wage -- we have to fund the tax cuts we gave to the richest 1% in this country. So screw you, work for less."
Do you think Bush will limit corporate profit-taking and price gouging from the billions in tax dollars that are going to get pumped into that region? The behavior of this administration and it's allies within Haliburton, Enron and Big Oil seem to suggest that there is a winfall of money headed to those major corporations and their shareholders.

Haliburton "lost" $8.8 billion servicing our troops in Iraq. Enron created a fake energy crisis that bankrupted their company while helping the Bush Administration get their (excuse me, Exxon's) energy policy passed. And while consumers are paying gas prices that are higher than ever, Big Oil is reporting record profits.

Hmmmm. These guys really have the U.S. citizen's best interest in mind don't they?

12 September 2005

08 September 2005

Our Lt. Governor Feels a Sense of Privilege

Our new Lt. Governor, Becky Skillman, evidently doesn't feel a free car from General Motors is privilege enough.

A co-worker recently took this picture showing Ms. Skillman's Tahoe parked in a handicapped spot.

What kind of character does it take to break this law just to avoid walking a few extra feet on a sunny day? Evidently, Lt. Governor Betty Skillman feels that she should be able to break the law and inconvenience people with real handicaps. If she's willing to break little laws for her personal convenience does that make her more or less likely to break larger laws that could impact us all?

Bad judgement on trivial items shows a lack of respect for others and the law.