13 September 2005

Bush Suspends Wage Laws

That's right! President Bush has suspended the prevailing wage laws for those workers who's blood and sweat will ultimately rebuild the devastated areas in Louisiana and Alabama.

More than anything, this executive order shows the true colors of Mr. Bush and the Republican party. "There's profit opportunity in every disaster" seems to be their credo.
Instead of protecting the average citizen laborers and workers, Bush is protecting the giant corporations that will win the bids for the re-construction. The big corporations, their lobbyists and their shareholders will make out like bandits.
The actual workers of the south, who are trying to rebuild their lives and whose sweat and labor will rebuild the region are being told they don't matter. Mr. Bush is telling them: "We can't afford to pay you a fair wage -- we have to fund the tax cuts we gave to the richest 1% in this country. So screw you, work for less."
Do you think Bush will limit corporate profit-taking and price gouging from the billions in tax dollars that are going to get pumped into that region? The behavior of this administration and it's allies within Haliburton, Enron and Big Oil seem to suggest that there is a winfall of money headed to those major corporations and their shareholders.

Haliburton "lost" $8.8 billion servicing our troops in Iraq. Enron created a fake energy crisis that bankrupted their company while helping the Bush Administration get their (excuse me, Exxon's) energy policy passed. And while consumers are paying gas prices that are higher than ever, Big Oil is reporting record profits.

Hmmmm. These guys really have the U.S. citizen's best interest in mind don't they?

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