I'm looking forward to a few words changing after Obama is in the White House:
"Nook-yoo-ler" will once again be nuclear.
"Strategery" will once again be strategy.
"Ah-mer-ca" will once again be America.
Are there more?
Chaos theory in action.
Tourist towns, especially beach towns, always look a bit third-world in the light of day. Walking around Daytona Beach on an overcast October day had the same feeling one must get walking through a roadside carnival during setup or tear down.
Looking back at the hotels from the main pier I thought this could easily be any beach town accross the world. There were the same run-down looking buildings, and the same transient-looking people.
My campaign is sweeping the nation!
See the latest news story!
Has anyone else noticed her habit of interrupting a guest's story to relate it to herself?
Guest: "I overcame blindness to open my own restaurant.."
Oprah: "When I opened my own restaurant, with [insert name-drop here] , I had similar issues.
Guest: "I had to saw my own arm off to save myself after being trapped under a rock in the wilderness"."
Oprah: "I went hiking on my 5,000 acre farm and got lost. The Dali Lama rescued me."
Yep, she's done it all, and still hasn't found anyone more interesting that herself to put on the cover.