26 September 2008

If McCain was a Democrat

If McCain were a democrat, Fox "News" would be "Swiftboating" him 24 / 7:
  • "All he did in his military services was crash three planes and get shot down in two others (once by an American pilot). Then he was captured. That's five kills -- all U.S. planes -- I guess that makes McCain a North Vietnamese Ace.

  • "How did McCain betray American while in captivity? And which football team did he really name?"

  • "Has McCain been brainwashed by the Vietcong while in prison? Will he go crazy in office?"

  • "What psychological damage does he suffer from his time as a POW?"

Of course, only the republicans or Fox are mean spirited enough to pull this crap. Anyone who participated (or believed) the Swift Boating of Kerry should be ashamed. If the Dems had any balls they'd be doing the same to McCain. The Dems will never win until they're willing to stoop to the crap pulled by the Republicans...

Oh, and if Sarah Palin was a Democrat? Fox would be asking "If Sarah Palin can't keep teenage boys out of her teenage daughter's panties, how's she going to keep terrorists out of America?"

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