06 May 2005

Dear Senator Frist

Part of an ongoing dialog with Senator Bill Frist:

Office of Senator Bill Frist
509 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Frist,

Thank you for your e-mail response. I’ve printed it and attached it for your reference.

I find many of your assertion untrue. Republicans blocked many of President Clinton's nominees from ever getting out of committee to receive a vote.

You've had a 95% acceptance rate. I'd expect more dissent from within the Republican Party itself -- are you all really that alike? Is there no room in your party for independent thought?

The rule changes you seek now are things you would have never granted to a democratic administration. Why then would you expect them for yourself?

What I find most dangerous is your party's attack on the separation of powers, and your continued attacks on the judiciary. Compromise and checks and balances seem to be American philosophies you don’t embrace.

Your constituents wrap themselves in the flag and the crucifix, and yet they act in the most un-American an un-Christian ways. What about principles such as equality under the law? Judge not lest thee be judged. Love your enemy. Help the poor. Freedom of ANY religion.

What a disaster you bring upon this country when your party manipulates faith in the service of politics and power.

I doubt the religious right in your party will be happy merely to freely exercise their own religion. They won't be happy until they've forced that religion on public life in general.

What could I expect from a doctor who won't admit you can't catch AIDS from tears and from one who feels qualified to diagnose patients they've never examined?



1 comment:

Anonymous said...
