21 November 2005

A Good Christian Torturing

Many who voted for Mr. Bush quote Mr. Bush's supposed "strong Christian values" as a reason for their support. Many Bush supporters continue to support their president in the face of an avalanche of facts that show Mr. Bush to be incompetent at best and most likely a criminal.

The lastest embarassment for the USA comes from the Bush administration's muddled message on their use of torture.

Mr. Bush recently stated with great vigor We do not torture.

Of course at the same time VP "Tricky" Dick Cheney was lobbying for permission to continue torturing detainees.

Then we learn that the CIA has a network of secret prisons set up around the globe.

You'd think the "holier than thou" Republicans would be outraged by this network of secret prisons and secret use of torture. You'd be wrong. Instead of addressing the damage done to the USA's reputation by these prisons, Republican leadership decided to attack the messenger.

Wonder what we're doing to people in those prisons? Wonder no longer, an ex-CIA officer describes the approved methods. These are the methods approved by Attorney General Gonzales, Rumsfeld and Cheney.

Of course the administration can never say "We're sorry" or "We're wrong". So they deny. They claim "Our methods are unique, but not really torture."

How much longer will his followers support him? How can they leave those "W" stickers on their cars. If they care about the Republican party at all, they'll clean house.

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