09 November 2005

Mr. Bush -- Liar! Liar! Pants on Fire!

When the Abu Ghraib scandal broke, President Bush assured us that torture was not part of U.S. policy and that the scandal was entirely the fault of "a few bad apples."

Of course Mr. Bush told us this before we learned that Alberto Gonzales, Mr. Bush's White House Counsel, advised him that the Geneva Conventions were "quaint" and that in his opinion, Mr. Bush could order torture if he desired.

Mr. Bush's assertions came before Mr. Gonzales' Attorney General confirmation hearings where we learned that according to the Bush administration "the anti-torture statutes don't apply to the CIA, private contractors and prisoners held in foreign countries."

Mr. Bush's assertions came before we learned that the CIA has secret prison / torture facilities in foreign countries around the world -- thus freeing them from US law.

Mr. Bush's lies came before we learned that VP "Tricky Dick" Cheney was actively pushing a proposal in the Senate that would exempt the CIA from pending anti-torture legislation.

Mr. Bush, never one to let facts or reality intrude on his view of the world, and in contrast to his V.P. concurrent lobbying, just recently reiterated that "We do not torture."

So Mr. Bush is either incompetent or a liar. His administration is lobbying for permission to continue torturing people. The CIA has setup secret prisons under his watch. He knew all this when his administration tried to bury the blame on hard-working U.S. Soldiers who have been disgraced or jailed for doing nothing more than implementing his policy. While he's telling us "we don't torture" his VP is simultaneously lobbying for continued permission to do just that!

We impeached the last president for lying about a sexual indiscretion. Isn't this much worse?! When will the sheep in the media and his must-be-brain-dead supporters hold him accountable?

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