28 April 2005

Bush's Judicial Nominees

President Bush has had 205 of 215 judicial nominees approved. Yet we've a tempest over those remaining ten nominees.

Who but ideologues would push for more than 95% approval? In a room of like-minded people I find it unlikely that you'd get 95% agreement on just about any complex topic -- especially in a political context.

Who but the Christian right could feel victimized and persecuted with a 95% victory rate?

My take? The republicans are using these 10 nominees as a way to keep the religious right fired up. The insinuations and claims that those who disagree with the President are somehow less Christian (never mind the American citizens of other faiths, right?) are especially insulting and dangerous.

Also dangerous are the attacks on the constitutional separation of powers. Republicans and their religious conservative supporters have labeled the judiciary "the last bastion of liberalism". I think the judiciary is acting like the last effective check in our system of supposed checks and balances.

The Pilgrims risked their admittedly Christian lives to come to this country in pursuit of religious freedom. However it's seldom noted that they were running from an officially "Christian" nation where politics and religion managed to sully each other into a mess. That's why our founders drew a line between the two.

Don't let well-meaning but misguided people blur that line.

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